Science for the Authentic-self

This ontology approach is a precise science: Metamatic the science of the human being whose goal is self-knowledge and the development of the person to reach a state of being more conscious and a better quality of life. It’s an ontological science. This methodology considers the human being as a whole. It incites him to operate, through his own care, certain changes of consciousness.

Metamatic is a science for the Humanist Being. It is a spirituality which by its structured edification is a Maieutic whose essential verticality chain and existential horizontality frame, that is the cross of light which weaves our suit of Light. The Stellar Metamatic comes from the “Star of each one”, it leans on it as the Structure of the self (Rota) and of the authentic-self, but it develops as a universal and omniscient Method of the Authentic-self within oneself.

The splendid Mandala of the Star, monument of thought and Knowledge (Gnosis) is noumenal (for the Autentic-Self). It is learned before it is understood, open intuition being recommended but complementary and subsequent to learning. In this search of the essential, it is a question of State of Being more than a way of doing. These Arcana are states of Being or of self-awareness, in order to reveal the personal and qualitative authentic-Self of each one. This state of Being can be obtained only by the dissolution of all mental fluctuations and by the understanding of the deep mechanisms linked to the ego’s manifestations.

Occitan spirituality with the star

This specific method based on the structure of the Gnostic “Star” is, a universal Heuristic Hermeneutics with immense possibilities regarding self-knowledge (ontological) – because it is AXIOMATIC. The Axiom – type which generates all the others – was by the Gnostics (from Pythagoras to the Albans) called “Cross of Light”.

On this founding axiom a new “Science of Authentic-self” was born, balancing with the Material technological “Science” which today monopolizes our commitment. This “Science of Authentic-self” is based on the observation that it is the images that build us by educating us. It is this “Eidetic” science (through images, diagrams, Mandalas, Arcana, parables, analogies, metaphors etc.) which is the counterpart to “objective” science (objects) and their strict measure based on numbers, that is Mathematics, the Science of ASSETS.

This is why this science of the authentic self is called: METAMATIC, or “Superior Method” like “Meta-physica”. The term METAMATIC and the short presentation of its origin and its foundations for the infinite possibilities for BEING (human), is a new singular humanism.

Patricia de Val Real meets her spiritual Master William Arnaud and will in turn teach the Star system which he discovered in 1987. This spiritual secular and universal teaching brings together free-thinkers in a process of autonomy.

For more than 25 years, she has taught a living and pragmatic spirituality, which elevates our consciousness and nourishes our art of living. At the Academy of the authentic self’s science, by her presence and her works, she teaches with precision and benevolence any researcher who would like a structured education.